Approved - SYS929 Clarification of SROI NT is Needed
Business Requirement / Issue: There are sequencing issues for reporting SROI 02 when the SROI MTC NT (Narrative for Claim) is the only SROI that has been sent. A SROI 02 cannot follow the SROI NT because no SROI other than SROI NT has been accepted.
Requester's Proposed Resolution: There are three changes identified for the issue.
1)Sec 4: Bus/Tech Process Rules - Add Exception
2)Edit Matrix Sequencing 02 SROI - Add Exception
3) Data Dictionary for MTC DN0002: Add a new DP Rule
See attached.
This clerical IRR is now APPROVED following the final 14-day review period without objection.
The Final 14 Day Review period for this IRR has begun and will extend through Friday, August 26, 2022. Please see attached final proposed resolution.
Upon completion of this review period, this clerical IRR will be considered "Approved" if there are no concerns or objections.