Withdrawn - SYS928 Phone Number DP Rule is Outdated
Business Requirement / Issue: Please update R3.1 Phone Number DP Rules for all phone numbers in the standard to remove reference to reporting of extensions as extensions are rarely used. This will allow for reporting of out of country prefixes that are currently needed/used.
Requester's Proposed Resolution: New R3.1 DP Rule for all Phone Numbers: US and Canada Standard phone numbers are 10 digits (area code and number, excluding the prefix). Refer to specific country phone number formatting rules. Other country’s phone numbers should include country code. (see attached)
The options to resolve this IRR (in attached document) were discussed at the 9/12/2022 Claims Committee meeting. After much discussion, the Committee decided option 1 was the best option at this time.
If this issue comes up again in the future and examples show the urgency of this issue, we can re-evaluate the problem. At this time, it doesn't seem like there is enough volume of the issue to justify changes to the R3.1 standard.
The requester of this IRR has agreed the IRR can be withdrawn.
Following the feedback received during the final 14-day review period, the workgroup has reevaluated this issue and offers the following options for consideration (see attached). This will be included on the agenda for discussion at the next EDI Claims Committee meeting.
This IRR was moved back to the committee for further review. The work group will reconsider the final proposed resolution based on the feedback received during final 14-day review.
Good afternoon,
This proposed resolution was cascaded down from our Technical Director Rebecca Hamilton for review. Upon reviewing the Final Resolution document provided, we do want to address a concern on our end. We recently did away with our old phone system & implemented a new one, in which our claims specialists (adjusters) are now assigned a 5 digit extension that can be reached through our streamlined commercial claims phone number. This being said, we recently has 02 filings triggered on all claims to update our phone numbers with respect to our new system. If the proposed resolution were to be executed, this would result in the extension number of each adjuster to fall off from reporting, thus every EDI file reported for Nationwide would report the same phone number (commercial claims). Without the extension reported, aside from difficulty reaching the desired adjuster when necessary, we are not sure if this would result in a negative impact for EDI reporting, if at all. I have provided a few screenshots to showcase how the adjusters phone numbers (DN0137) look for reference.
Please feel free to respond with any questions or clarifications needed.
Thank you!!
| Kalli Sankey Sr. EDI Analyst Workers Compensation Proud Nationwide Member 614-450-0493 x12067 sankek1@nationwide.com |
The Final 14 Day Review period for this IRR has begun and will extend through Friday, August 26, 2022. Please see attached final proposed resolution.
Upon completion of this review period, this IRR will proceed to voting on Monday, August 29, 2022 if there are no concerns or additional feedback.