on June 22, 2022 at 3:04 PM
Withdrawn - CLM930 Unable to Validate R22 Benefits
Business Requirement / Issue: Unable to validate R22 benefit weeks, days, and cumulative totals when an employee is out of work due to intermittent dates.
Requester's Proposed Resolution: Update Non-Consecutive Period Code (DN0212) to indicate benefits paid, weeks, and days are cumulative or non-cumulative.
See attached for details.
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This IRR was discussed at the 9/12/2022 Claim Committee meeting. Changes cannot be made to the R3 standard. There wasn't a need to make any possible changes in R3.1.
Monica talked to Craig White from Alabama and Craig understands that changes cannot be made to R3. Alabama will take this back internally and try to work out a solution.
This IRR is being withdrawn.