on Dec 11, 2020 at 3:04 PM
Withdrawn - IRR CLM915 Additional Benefit Change Reason Codes for SROI CA and CB
Download Attachment IRR CLM915 – Additional Benefit Change Reason Codes for SROI CA and CB (Original IRR).pdf 89.06 kB 1 downloads
Download Attachment IRR CLM915 – Additional Benefit Change Reason Codes for SROI CA and CB (Proposed... 70.21 kB 1 downloads
Business Requirement / Issue: Additional Benefit Change Reason Codes for SROI CA and CB.
Requester's Proposed Resolution: NYSIF has proposed six additional Benefit Change Reason Codes (see attached).
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This IRR was withdrawn by NYSIF.
Hi. Regarding the possible meeting on 5/4/21, it doesn't appear that we need it at this time, but our IT department is still trying determine whether or not there would be any major issues with making the suggested changes that would be necessary to avoid adding additional reasons. It's still possible that we may need an additional meeting at some point, but there's no need for a meeting on 5/4.
Download Attachment IRR CLM915 – Additional Benefit Change Reason Codes for SROI CA and CB (Proposed___... 74.75 kB 1 downloads
Attached are some notes I made regarding the changes proposed.