on Oct 6, 2023 at 10:53 AM

CLM945 - Aggregated Clerical IRRs for 2024 Guide Changes

From: Danaca Curtis

User Posts: 53 -

Download Attachment IRR CLM945 - Aggregated Clerical IRRs for 2024 Guide Changes.pdf 205.50 kB 5 downloads

Business Requirement / Issue:

1. Section 2.4, page 2.4.3, DN0068 Initial RTW Date is listed twice.

2. Section 2.4, page 2.4.5, DN0441 Date Claim Admin Knew Claim Met Reporting Requirements and filler is listed twice.

3. Anywhere in the guide where “MTC’s” is not meant to be possessive, change this to “MTCs” (remove apostrophe).

Requester's Proposed Resolution:

1. Remove instances of DN0068 listed twice.

2. Remove instances of DN0441 listed twice.

3. Change "MTC's" to "MTCs" for non-possessive uses of the term.


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on Nov 28, 2023 at 3:08 PM

From: Danaca Curtis

User Posts: 53 -

The Final 14 Day Review period for this IRR has begun and will extend through Friday, December 15, 2023. Please respond with any final feedback or objections.