on March 17, 2022 at 4:31 PM

Voting Results - CLM925 Nonbinary Gender Reporting Option

From: Gregg Lutz

User Posts: 710 -

Download Attachment IRR CLM925 - Nonbinary Gender Reporting Option.pdf 88.76 kB 3 downloads

Business Requirement / Issue: Include "nonbinary" as a gender option

Requester's Proposed Resolution: Add N for nonbinary as an option in gender data elements DN0053 Employee Gender Code and DN0428 Dependent Gender Code

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on Sept 2, 2022 at 10:09 AM

From: Gregg Lutz

User Posts: 710 -

Download Attachment IRR CLM925 Voting Results.pdf 73.33 kB 2 downloads

Voting for IRR CLM925 completed on Thursday, September 1, 2022. The proposed resolution was APPROVED along with the implementation timeline.

A total of 29 responses were received consisting of 26 Yes Votes, 0 No Votes and 3 Abstentions. Per the requirements of the IRR process, a two-thirds majority is required for an IRR to be considered approved. The outcome of this vote exceeded the two-thirds requirement with 100% in favor of the proposed resolution. A detailed report of the voting results for CLM925 is attached.

on Aug 12, 2022 at 10:31 AM

From: Gregg Lutz

User Posts: 710 -

The voting period for this IRR has begun and will extend through 9/1/22. A ballot for this IRR was sent to the voting body via email on 8/12/22. The voting body is comprised of current IAIABC jurisdictional and EDI members in good standing. Each eligible organization is allowed one vote per IRR. It is the responsibility of the designated voter (or the alternate, if the designated voter is not available) to discuss the issue up for vote with all stakeholders within their organization and vote accordingly.

on Aug 2, 2022 at 2:39 PM

From: Suzan Kornbluth

User Posts: 2 -

Reporting  beneficiary information for spouse,  the options are as follows:

 Dependent/Payee Relationship Code (DN0097)

2- Widow

3- Widower

 Our  ITS Dept. raised the question asking how to report spouse when gender is U or X.

 Is this something IAIABC will need to address?

on July 22, 2022 at 10:48 AM

From: Stephen A. Mason

User Posts: 12 -

Download Attachment IRR CLM925 Gender Indentity Proposed Resolution Updated.pdf 194.28 kB 1 downloads


   We updated the resolution on Wednesday after the claims meeting, and the latest resolution has cut these options out, partly for the reasons you have specified.  Also there was concern about being a little too close to HIPPA information with the "non-sexed" and "unsex able" options.  Regarding the "not provided" and "not applicable", we thought "Unknown" speaks to both of these options, so we removed the redundancy. 

Jason Kreps wrote:

Sorry I was not able to participate in this working group so I don't have any of the background behind why or how these options where selected. Could someone please explain to me the difference between "non-sexed", "unknown", and "not provided"?  It sounds to me like "non-sexed" and "not provided" are reasons why it is "unknown" - not actually a different value.  Additionally, I'd think a claim handler would have a difficult time distinguishing between these and just pick "unknown" every time. I understand the importance of accurate data but when the difference between options becomes so nuanced it's difficult to tell the difference, you tend to end up getting less accurate data. Also, can you please provide an example or scenario when "not applicable" would the correct option? Thank you.

on July 22, 2022 at 10:20 AM

From: Jason Kreps

User Posts: 3 -

Sorry I was not able to participate in this working group so I don't have any of the background behind why or how these options where selected. Could someone please explain to me the difference between "non-sexed", "unknown", and "not provided"?  It sounds to me like "non-sexed" and "not provided" are reasons why it is "unknown" - not actually a different value.  Additionally, I'd think a claim handler would have a difficult time distinguishing between these and just pick "unknown" every time. I understand the importance of accurate data but when the difference between options becomes so nuanced it's difficult to tell the difference, you tend to end up getting less accurate data. Also, can you please provide an example or scenario when "not applicable" would the correct option? Thank you.

on July 22, 2022 at 8:16 AM

From: Gregg Lutz

User Posts: 710 -

The final 14-day review period has begun for this IRR and will extend through August 11, 2022. Please respond with any final feedback or objections.

on May 23, 2022 at 8:08 AM

From: Gregg Lutz

User Posts: 710 -

Download Attachment IRR CLM925 Nonbinary Gender Reporting Option - Final Proposed Resolution.pdf 172.16 kB 2 downloads

Final Proposed Resolution (see attached).

on April 20, 2022 at 8:16 AM

From: Gregg Lutz

User Posts: 710 -

Just an FYI. X12, which provides the basis for our Medical State Reporting Standard, is considering expanding allowable values to include “Nonbinary,” “Self-reported as Transgender,” “Not provided,” and “Unknown.” Further clarification is being considered to indicate that “Not Provided” should be used when gender cannot be sent due to reporting restrictions and “Unknown” should be used when gender is unknown.

on April 18, 2022 at 4:37 PM

From: Gregg Lutz

User Posts: 710 -

A new work group is being formed to work on this IRR. Please respond to the following poll if you want to participate: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e9rpjo4a

on March 28, 2022 at 6:53 PM

From: Vincent Bell

User Posts: 1 -

We agree with Anthony from the NYS Workers' Comp Board. We see a need for this in New York as residents are currently able to use "X" and it has come in internal discussions on how to identify this on claims. 

Vincent Bell
Director of Information Technology & Telecommunications / IT Services
The Black Car Fund | New York Black Car Operators’ Injury Compensation Fund
30 Wall Street, 10th Floor  | New York, NY 10005
212.269.4800 ext. 257

Vincent Bell
Director of Information Technology & Telecommunications / IT Services
The Black Car Fund | New York Black Car Operators’ Injury Compensation Fund
30 Wall Street, 10th Floor  | New York, NY 10005
212.269.4800 ext. 257