CLM946 - Clerical IRR to correct DN444 placement in the FROI and SROI Record Layouts
Issue / Business Requirement: A couple of clerical issues have been found in the R3.1.7 publication that need to be documented and a correction placed in the supplement document.
Requester's Proposed Resolution:
Issue #1:
DN444 Date Claim Administrator Decision to Fully Deny is a new data element that was added to the standard as part of the R3.1.7 guide.
In the FROI and SROI Flat File Record Layouts, the data element is present with the correct flat file positions, but is in the wrong place in the table.
Issue #2
The FROI and SROI layouts have lost their headers on each page. I think it may have been this way for a few publications, but would like to request this be fixed in next year’s version. Example here you can see the top row is in bold italics where the header should be.
The Final 14 Day Review period for this IRR has ended. This clerical IRR has passed.
The Final 14 Day Review period for this IRR has begun and will extend through Tuesday, June 11, 2024. Please respond with any final feedback or objections.
Claims Committee members,
Please review the attached clerical changes to the Release 3.1.7 guide where DN444 Date Claim Administrator Decision to Fully Deny is not in the correct location in the FROI and SROI Flat File Record Layouts. The data element has the correct flat file positions, but is in the wrong place in the table.
Please post any questions or concerns here by May 13th. After that, we will move it to 14 day review.
Thank you all!