on Aug 7, 2023 at 1:53 PM

Voting Results: CLM943 - Clarify Impairment Rating for Multiple Teeth

From: Dane Curtis

User Posts: 42 -

Download Attachment IRR CLM943 - Clarify Reporting when Permanent Impairment Body Part Code = 16 Teeth.pdf 91.83 kB 18 downloads
Download Attachment Followup IRR to CLM IRR940 Support Impairment Rating for Multiple Teeth docx.docx 19.05 kB 9 downloads

Business Requirement / Issue:

Recently, IRR CLM940 Support Impairment Rating for Multiple Teeth was voted as approved into the R3.1 standard.  During the voting period, 2 comments came in questioning the way the wording was proposed. 

This is how it has been approved to read in Section 4 Variable Segment Population Rules, 11 d.

11 d. Multiple occurrences of the same body part can only occur when impairment is assigned to the same body part on multiple sides i.e. left and right and the jurisdiction requires that the same body part be sent twice, and when Permanent Impairment Body Part Code = 16 Teeth.

Requester's Proposed Resolution:

Modify the language in the same section to read as follows:

11 d. Multiple occurrences of the same body part can only occur when impairment is assigned to the same body part on multiple sides i.e. left and right and the jurisdiction requires that the same body part be sent twice, or when Permanent Impairment Body Part Code = 16 Teeth.

397 people saw this online 1012 people saw this by email
on Nov 2, 2023 at 1:06 PM

From: Dane Curtis

User Posts: 42 -

Download Attachment IRR CLM943 Voting Results.pdf 53.32 kB 7 downloads

Voting for IRR CLM943 completed on November 2, 2023. The proposed resolution was APPROVED.

A total of 32 responses were received consisting of 29 Yes Votes and 3 Abstentions. Per the requirements of the IRR process, a two-thirds majority is required for an IRR to be considered approved. The outcome of this vote exceeded the two-thirds requirement with 91% in favor of the proposed resolution. A detailed report of the voting results for CLM943 is attached.

on Oct 17, 2023 at 10:15 AM

From: Dane Curtis

User Posts: 42 -

Voting for this issue began on Thursday, October 12, 2023.

on Sept 25, 2023 at 10:23 AM

From: Dane Curtis

User Posts: 42 -

The Final 14 Day Review period for this IRR has begun and will extend through Monday, October 9, 2023. Please respond with any final feedback or objections.

on Sept 6, 2023 at 12:47 PM

From: Monica Blackwell

User Posts: 59 -

Just wanted to point out to everyone, we will quickly review this proposed resolution at Convention and move it to 14 day review afterwards.  The proposed timeline for a jurisdiction to adopt this change is tied to when IRR CLM940 was approved which was 7/31/2023.  So this means a jurisdiction can adopt this change starting end of January 2024 if this IRR is voted as approved.

on Sept 5, 2023 at 2:53 PM

From: Monica Blackwell

User Posts: 59 -

Download Attachment CLM943 - Follow-up IRR to CLM IRR940 Support Impairment Rating for Multiple Teeth... 21.21 kB 8 downloads

The issue with the proposed resolution document was my fault.  I didn't save the extension correctly. It is corrected here.  Shannen - thank you for pointing that out.  Candace - thank you for replying.

on Aug 22, 2023 at 8:02 AM

From: Candace Gray

User Posts: 47 -

Download Attachment Followup IRR to CLM IRR940 Support Impairment Rating for Multiple Teeth.pdf 115.46 kB 5 downloads

Good morning Shannen,

I was able to download it and use the document but I do see where the extension is saved as docx.docx so my guess is that may be what's presenting the issue.  I'll email you direct a copy of it with the extension updated and also attaching a copy of it here with it saved as a PDF.


Candace Gray

Shannen Frieze wrote:

I can download the updated file, but it is not usable. I think perhaps the filename is being truncated by the software that runs the community?  The downloaded file name is "CLM943 - Follow-up IRR to CLM IRR940 Support Impairment Rating for Multiple Teeth___" with no extension. I've tried renaming the file to add an extension, but Adobe is still claiming the file is not of a supported file type.  Either that or the file is corrupt, (which does happen, but not all that often.) 

Is anyone else having the same problem? 

on Aug 21, 2023 at 1:17 PM

From: Shannen Frieze

User Posts: 8 -

I can download the updated file, but it is not usable. I think perhaps the filename is being truncated by the software that runs the community?  The downloaded file name is "CLM943 - Follow-up IRR to CLM IRR940 Support Impairment Rating for Multiple Teeth___" with no extension. I've tried renaming the file to add an extension, but Adobe is still claiming the file is not of a supported file type.  Either that or the file is corrupt, (which does happen, but not all that often.) 

Is anyone else having the same problem? 

on Aug 17, 2023 at 10:24 AM

From: Monica Blackwell

User Posts: 59 -

Download Attachment CLM943 - Follow-up IRR to CLM IRR940 Support Impairment Rating for Multiple Teeth... 21.21 kB 8 downloads

My appologies for missing the updates to Section 2.  Please see the updates in this attached version.  Also, the proposed timeline for implementation is 6 months from the approval of CLM940 (Jan, 25 2024).