on Jan 9, 2023 at 3:27 PM

Voting Results - CLM940 Support Impairment Rating for Multiple Teeth

From: Gregg Lutz

User Posts: 710 -

Download Attachment CLM940 - Support Impairment Rating for Multiple Teeth.pdf 90.49 kB 1 downloads

Business Requirement / Issue: Idaho requires PPI to be paid per tooth.

Requester's Proposed Resolution: Support impairment rating for multiple teeth.

4 people saw this online 3 people saw this by email
on Aug 7, 2023 at 1:44 PM

From: Danaca Curtis

User Posts: 53 -

Download Attachment IRR CLM940 Voting Results.pdf 300.45 kB 2 downloads

Voting for IRR CLM940 completed on July 25, 2023. The proposed resolution was APPROVED.

A total of 25 responses were received consisting of 20 Yes Votes, 1 No Vote and 4 Abstentions. Per the requirements of the IRR process, a two-thirds majority is required for an IRR to be considered approved. The outcome of this vote exceeded the two-thirds requirement with 80% in favor of the proposed resolution. A detailed report of the voting results for CLM940 is attached.

on June 9, 2023 at 8:40 AM

From: Gregg Lutz

User Posts: 710 -

The Final 14 Day Review period for this IRR has begun and will extend through Friday, June 30, 2023. Please respond with any final feedback or objections.

on June 5, 2023 at 10:12 AM

From: Richelle L Flores

User Posts: 15 -

Good morning,

I don't see the need for any changes.

Thank you,


Candace Gray wrote:

Good morning all,

Following our meeting at Forum in April, attached is a proposed resolution for clerical changes needed to the standard.  Please review the attached and let me know if you believe anything has been missed as the next step will be to send this out for 14-day review.  



Candace Gray wrote:

Good afternoon,

Following the February Claims Committee meeting, it was agreed upon that this IRR likely doesn't require a workgroup but rather some clerical updates throughout the impacted areas of the standard so as to include the requested change.  Attached is a copy of recommended changes based on that discussion which will be presented at the Claims Committee meeting to be held next week at Forum on Monday, April 24th.  Please take a moment to review the attached and provide any feedback you may have and/or if there are other areas within the standard that need to be considered.  

Thank you for your time,


Richelle L Flores wrote:

I should have included a proposed solution that was clearer...I think this will be all that's necessary to accomplish what we need.

A change to the Section 4 Variable Segment Population Rules, 11 d. to read:


11 d. Multiple occurrences of the same body part can only occur when impairment is assigned to the same body part on multiple sides i.e. left and right and the jurisdiction requires that the same body part be sent twice, and when Permanent Impairment Body Part Code = 16 Teeth.

This should change how the DN Error Table edit for DN0078 – Error 054 (Must be valid occurrence for segment) is programmed.

Thank you!

on Jan 26, 2023 at 1:59 PM

From: Richelle L Flores

User Posts: 15 -

I should have included a proposed solution that was clearer...I think this will be all that's necessary to accomplish what we need.

A change to the Section 4 Variable Segment Population Rules, 11 d. to read:


11 d. Multiple occurrences of the same body part can only occur when impairment is assigned to the same body part on multiple sides i.e. left and right and the jurisdiction requires that the same body part be sent twice, and when Permanent Impairment Body Part Code = 16 Teeth.

This should change how the DN Error Table edit for DN0078 – Error 054 (Must be valid occurrence for segment) is programmed.

Thank you!