on Dec 1, 2022 at 1:45 PM

WITHDRAWN - CLM939 - Reporting a Spouse when Gender is U or X

From: Gregg Lutz

User Posts: 710 -

Download Attachment CLM939 - Reporting a Spouse when Gender is U or X.pdf 92.49 kB 2 downloads

Business Requirement / Issue: Reporting a spouse when gender code is U or X.

Requester's Proposed Resolution: Remove Widow and Widower options and replace with Spouse.

1 people saw this online 0 people saw this by email
on July 26, 2023 at 2:25 PM

From: Heather Lore

User Posts: 47 -

IRR CLM939 has been withdrawn and will be referred to the Modernization Committee. The update will be included in the IRR report that will post on Friday. 

Heather Lore
Executive Director, IAIABC
+1 (608) 410-2220

on July 7, 2023 at 10:37 AM

From: Monica Blackwell

User Posts: 69 -

As discussed in the last Claims Committee meeting on June 21st, we don't have enough information or the volume of occurrences to effectively solve this issue at this time.   The committee has agreed to refer this issue to the Modernization committee to resolve it in a future release.  This IRR is planned to be withdrawn on 7/17/2023.  

on June 15, 2023 at 8:46 AM

From: Jenna R Marshall

User Posts: 4 -

Nebraska statutes use the terms widow and widower however, gender does not play a role in the calculation of death benefits in Nebraska.

Thank you,

Jenna Marshall

on June 12, 2023 at 9:46 AM

From: Stephen A. Mason

User Posts: 12 -

During the Forum in Florida, the questions was asked if the gender of the spouse has an effect on the benefit amount.  This is a question for Jurisdictions. This will give clarity on how this committee and/or the Claims Modernization team will move forward regarding the DN 0097 - Dependent/Payee Relationship Code.

Thank you

Steve Mason

on Feb 6, 2023 at 3:44 PM

From: Gregg Lutz

User Posts: 710 -

Download Attachment Meeting Minutes for CLM939.docx 14.50 kB

Please see attached minutes from 02/03/23 work group call.