on Aug 17, 2021 at 4:27 PM
Withdrawn - IRR CLM920 Mechanism to Capture SIF Contribution and Fees
Download Attachment IRR CLM920 - Mechanism to Capture SIF Contribution and Fees Details.pdf 66.35 kB 1 downloads
Download Attachment IRR CLM920 - Mechanism to Capture SIF Contribution and Fees.pdf 92.56 kB 1 downloads
Business Requirement / Issue: Insurers, Self-Insureds, and uninsureds are required to sumbit payment of their Second Injury Fund contribution and Workers' Compensation Administration Account fees.
Requester's Proposed Resolution: Provide a mechanism to capture Second Injury Fund contribution and Workers' Compensation Administration Account fees.
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Download Attachment IRR CLM920 Mechanism to Capture SIF Contribution and Fees (Alaska).docx 94.81 kB 1 downloads
Attached are notes for the history of this IRR.
This IRR has been withdrawn by Alaska Division of Workers' Compensation and referred to the Claims Modernization Project.